Seniors & Solos

Mini Portrait Package

20 minute session
Your favorite outfit
Private online proofing gallery
4 high resolution retouched images
*Session must take place in 06071*


Portrait Package 1

1.5 hour session
3 outfit changes
Private online proofing gallery
10 high resolution retouched images
One 8x10
Two 5x7
Three 4x6
24 wallets


Portrait Package 2

2 hour session
4 outfit changes
Private online proofing gallery
20 high resolution retouched images
One 11x14
Two 8x10
Three 5x7
Six 4x6
40 wallets


Diamond Portrait Package

3 hour session
Unlimited outfit changes
Private online proofing gallery
40 high resolution retouched images (color + select b&w)
Two 11x14
Five 8x10
Eight 5x7
Ten 4x6
56 wallets


Engagement | Family | Maternity


1 Hour Session
Private online proofing gallery
20 high resolution retouched images
One 11x14
Two 8x10
Three 5x7
Four 4x6



2 Hour Session
Private online proofing gallery
40 high resolution retouched images
One 11x14
Three 8x10
Three 5x7
Four 4x6



3 Hour Session
Private online proofing gallery
60 high resolution retouched images
16x20 Custom Standout Wall Display
Two 11x14
Three 8x10
Five 5x7
Six 4x6


Wedding Collections

No Longer Booking Weddings

Thank you to my amazing couples over the past 15 years, for the trust you have placed in me. It has been a true honor to work with you and to be part of such a special event in your lives. <3

*Reach out for local referrals*

Portrait & Family Session Details & FAQ

Timeline & Details

Visit the 'contact' section and get in touch. In your initial message please share a few dates you have in mind for your session. Sessions typically take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Also, please share which package you are interested in and any specifics about your session desires. I will be in touch with you to discuss details within 72 hours.

The day before your session we will have the pre-session confirmation call to touch base and tie up any loose ends.

Please arrive a few minutes early. We'll chat a bit and take a look at your outfits before beginning. If you booked a solo or senior session, you are encouraged to bring a good friend/family member with you for support. They are welcome to wait in the car/on the sidelines during your session.

PROOFING... within 5 days of your session!
Every package comes with a private online proofing gallery which will be available for viewing within 5 days of your session. Be on the lookout for an email invitation shortly after your session.

CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITES... take all the time you need to select your images (see your package details to know how many images you can choose) Add them to the 'image selections' favorite folder in your gallery. Click 'send list to photographer' once your selections are made.

RETOUCHING... 14-21 days
It can take up to 21 days to receive your retouched images from the date you send in your image selections. If you need your images sooner, inquire about express processing.

Once your images are retouched you will be sent an invitation to your final gallery. From there you can download your retouched images, share them with friends and family and place your print order.

PRINTS... 7-10 days
Print orders take approximately 7-10 days to reach your door from the date the order is placed.

I would like to have my session at the beach. Is this possible?

Yes! Travel to the beach or any location within a 4 hour driving distance is aways possible. A travel fee of $1 per mile applies to any session that takes place 10 miles past 06071. Accrual beginning at the 10 mile mark past 06071 and ending upon re-entering 06071. Having a friend book a session immediately prior to or following your session at the same location will allow you to split the travel fee.

Can I take a family picture during my session?

Portrait packages 1-3 and the Diamond Portrait Package are for one person. If you would like to arrange to take a family photo or a photo with a sibling/parent or friend prior to or after your session has concluded, that is just fine however we must discuss this in advance.

Do you send my yearbook picture to my school?

No, I do not. You are responsible for sending your yearbook photo to your school. The good news is that it is quite simple! Contact your school to find out the correct way to send in your yearbook photo. The primary way that most schools accept your yearbook photo is through e-mail in jpg format. (And yes- all of your images will be in jpg format!)

Can I order additional images or prints in the future?

Although I do not give out unedited images (they do not represent my final product) i do keep all of the images from your session on file for one year from your session date. Should you wish to order any additional retouched images or prints you can do so during that time.

Can I have the unedited images from our session?

No. As stated above, unedited images do not represent my final product. The proofing gallery is for the viewing of images for selection purposes only. The images you receive are the images included in your package which you select or any additional retouched images you purchase.